Saturday, December 20, 2014

Clutch Pushrod Seal/Chain Replacement

I contacted Sidewinder Sprokets in Chicago and obtained another 16000lbs tensile strength chain. During the course of cleaning out the sproket area I managed to get some grime past the clutch pushrod seal. I ordered one from Rocky Mountain Cycle Plaza here in town.

Here's a picture of the clutch pushrod seal with the clutch seal retaining plate removed. Pretty nasty!

Here it is all button back up again. I can't tell you how many cans of WD-40 and carburetor cleaner I went through to clean the area up to what you see now. I will definitely not let it get as dirty as it was ever again. I was considering to Scott oiler for the trip to Alaska but as dirty as the sprocket area was it has me reconsidering that idea.

So I made an attempt at putting the chain on tonight. I ended up cutting the chain one link to short. Luckily the guys at sidewinder sprockets are sending me another chain (Thanks again so much Dave. You guys have a customer fir life!!). I definitely won't make that mistake again. If I would have RTFM I would have seen the chain should be 112 links. Definitely use the service manual people. Don't do what I did!! 

 In the meantime I am starting on the valve job more to come..

1 comment:

  1. That area has always ended up all gunked up due to chain oil flinging off and collecting dirt and such.
